Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A little string of peppers

Here are a few of the Thai Dragons I have strung to hang to dry. They add a bright touch to the kitchen! This variety is prolific and easy to grow. And they are very hot! A little goes a long way.


  1. Hi and thanks for having sent me the nice note at Blotanical. I'm really, really sorry I didn't reply sooner--I rarely visit Blotanical these days and am way behind on my blog-reading, too. Just wanted to pop in and say (belated) welcome to Blotanical, and I have been enjoying reading your blog the past little while. I don't grow veggies other than a few tomatoes but you're inspiring me....

  2. That is a pretty string of peppers. I grew cayenne's last summer and did dry them but didn't do the string. Aren't they called raistas... peppers on a string? Something like that.

  3. Adorable! I love decorations that come from nature. :)

    I keep trying to have a string of garlic hanging up, but it doesn't last long 'round here. ;)

  4. My garlic string didn't last long, either :-) just need to make more of them, I guess - I think the pepper strings are called ristras - braided strings - and they're very gorgeous, I agree!

  5. I'd like to grow more peppers for drying next season. I couldn't think of a better winter meal then making up some red chili sauce form dried peppers and spooning over tacos, yum and warming!
