Monday, September 28, 2009

crop report

• Here's a report of how well our garden did this season - rating 1-5, 1 being lowest (poor) to 5, highest (best) • lettuces - 5: still growing strong • 2.Swiss chard - 5: very vigorous, robust plants • 3.tomatoes - 5: all 4 plants prolific • 4.endives - 5: will keep growing till frost • 5.basil - 3: very slow, but picked up last week of August • 6.zucchini - 5: of course! • 7.cucumbers - 4: grew well until mold got to the leaves • 8.eggplants - 2: disappointing this year, too small • 9.bell peppers - 5: red ones were awesome • 10. Thai peppers - 4: hoping they get a chance to ripen • 11.raspberries - 5: a bumper crop this year • 12.carrots - 4: had to resow, but they caught up • 13. scarlet runner beans - 5: grew like Jack and the beanstalk • 14.mesclun - 4: bolted too soon • 15.broccoli 5: good yield, but a lot all at once • 16.beets -5: these always do well in our soil • 17.spinach - 5: first sowing did better than current sowing - which is bolting • 18.snow peas - 5: very abundant and easy to grow • 19.kohlrabi - 5: excellent • 20.arugula - 5: good, but best while small plants • 21. amaranth - 2: produced nice flower stalks, but no grain - and were covered in black aphids~! • 22.radishes - 5: must plant more next year all in all, a great growing year. I am going to try quinoa and chick peas next year, and a friend has given my Red Orach seeds, which look interesting.


  1. Wow, lots of 4's & 5's ! I'd call that a great season. Well done.

  2. Hello, I came across your blog at Blotanical. It's nice to meet another Canadian blogger.

  3. Just to let you know I enjoy your blog. I don't post a comment very often but wanted to let you know. I made your pesto recipe and it was fantastic. I realize now, that I should have planted more Basil.
    Have a great day!
