Saturday, April 4, 2009


Buying more seeds today! This link is a great resource: - supporting BC's organic seed growers. I wish all seeds were like my neighbour's scarlet runner beans - they brought them over from England with them over 50 years ago, ( along with pips from Cox's Orange apples for their trees - a story for another blog) and each year they save some of the beautiful purple, pink, and black beans for seed. Robust, virile, self-perpetuating bean seeds that produce the most prolific vines full of cascading, crimson blossoms all summer long. And an abundance of beans to boot! With our heritage seeds that are able to perpetually reproduce, we're creating a stand against the huge seed companies that patent suicide seeds such as Monsanto : You can borrow the DVD "The World According to Monsanto" from the GVPL or Uvic Library. Check out some heirloom seeds here: I really like Salt Spring Seeds, Full Cirlce Seeds in Sooke, and seeds from Two Wings Farm (available at the compost education centre I also buy from Territorial and West Coast seeds. On to the list! (one of my favourite passtimes is going over the seed catalogues and seeing how much room I have to squeeze in as much variety as possible) Have: mesclun, lettuces, broccoli, pak choi, stirfry blend, leeks, green peppers, kohlrabi, beets, carrots, radicchio, endive, arugula, cilantro, basil Need: tricolour bush beans, natalino, cauliflower colour blend (includes orange cauli!), cucumbers, eggplants, snowpeas, hot peppers, radish, spinach, rainbow chard. Each year we plant something novel/unusual for the kids ( and us) such as indigo blue potatoes (that turned gray when cooked), pink popcorn (we only got a few kernels to pop, but the plants were stunning), papery tomatillos (bumper crop!) white and burgundy striped dragon's tongue beans, mini pink and white eggplants, (called Fairytale), edamame( excellent, but took up a lot of room for the yield results). This year it's going to be Amaranth grain - very exciting! Even if we only get a handful of grain, it's worth growing for the gorgeous long, crimson tassels it produces.

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