Sunday, September 20, 2009

End of Summer Pesto

It really feels like Fall is on the way when I pick the last of the basil from the garden to make pesto. The basil doesn't like the cooler nights, and was starting to turn a bit dark around the edges of the leaves. I picked all the leaves that weren't damaged, gave them a wash, and threw them into the blender with some garlic, olive oil, parmesan cheese, almonds and pinenuts and a bit of salt and pepper and a squeeze of lemon to preserve the colour.The pesto ingredients are never measured - I add just enough oil to blend, but not thin it out too much, and add extra garlic, salt etc. to taste. I put the pesto into icecube trays, which I will pop out and put into freezer bags for later in the winter when it will be greatly appreciated on pizza, pasta, stirred into soup, in grilled sandwiches or on top of potatoes. A pungent and delicious reminder of the summer sunshine in the dreary, cold, rainy days of Winter. Sunshine in the shape of a green cube!

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